

Wylderkind is a pet site developed in JavaScript and PHP.

The class reference has moved. You can now access it here.


  • PHP 7.4 CLI

    • Will not run on a webserver (FPM, CGI), you must run through CLI. A bot is a long-running process.
    • x86 (32-bit) PHP requires ext-gmp extension enabled for handling new Permission values.
  • ext-json for JSON parsing.
  • ext-zlib for gateway packet compression.

Recommended Extensions

  • One of ext-uv, ext-libev or evt-event (in order of preference) for a faster, and more performant event loop.
  • ext-mbstring if you may handle non-english characters.
  • ext-gmp if running 32-bit PHP.

Development Environment Recommendations

We recommend using an editor with support for the Language Server Protocol. A list of supported editors can be found here. Here are some commonly used editors:

  • Visual Studio Code (built-in LSP support)
  • Vim/Neovim (with the coc.nvim plugin for LSP support)
  • PHPStorm (built-in PHP support)

We recommend installing PHP Intelephense alongside your LSP-equipped editor for code completion alongside other helpful features. There is no need to pay for the premium features, the free version will suffice.


Installation requries Composer.

To install the latest release:

> composer require VZGCoders/Wylderkind

If you would like to run on the latest master branch:

> composer require VZGCoders/Wylderkind dev-main

master can be substituted for any other branch name to install that branch.

Key Tips

As Wylderkind is a real-time application, events come frequently and it is vital that your code does not block the ReactPHP event loop. Most, if not all, functions return promises, therefore it is vital that you understand the concept of asynchronous programming with promises. You can learn more about ReactPHP promises here.


If you need any help, feel free to join the ValZarGaming Discord and someone should be able to give you a hand. We are a small community so please be patient if someone can't help you straight away.


All contributions are welcome through pull requests in our GitHub repository. At the moment we would love contributions towards:

  • Unit testing
  • Documentation


Class 'X' not found

You most likely haven't imported the class that you are trying to use. Please check the class reference and search for the class that you are trying to use. Add an import statement at the top of the file like shown on the right.

use Wylderkind\X;

If you don't want to have to import a class every time, you should look into the PHP Intelephense language server (written above) which will do automatic imports for you.


First step is to include the Composer autoload file and import any required classes.


use Wylderkind\Wylderkind;
use Wylderkind\WebSockets\Intents;
use Wylderkind\WebSockets\Event;

include __DIR__.'/vendor/autoload.php';

The Wylderkind instance can be set up with an array of options. All are optional except for token:

$wylderkind = new Wylderkind([

token is your Wylderkind token. Required.

    'token' => 'Your-Token-Here',

intents can be an array of valid intents or an integer representing the intents. Default is all intents minus any privileged intents. At the moment this means all intents minus GUILD_MEMBERS and GUILD_PRESENCES. To enable these intents you must first enable them in your Wylderkind developer portal.

    'intents' => [
        Intents::GUILDS, Intents::GUILD_BANS, // ...
    // or
    'intents' => 12345,
    // or
    'intents' => Intents::getDefaultIntents() | Intents::GUILD_MEMBERS, // default intents as well as guild members

loadAllMembers is a boolean whether all members should be fetched and stored on bot start. Loading members takes a while to retrieve from Wylderkind and store, so default is false. This requires the GUILD_MEMBERS intent to be enabled in Wylderkind-docs. See above for more details.

    'loadAllMembers' => false,

storeMessages is a boolean whether messages received and sent should be stored. Default is false.

    'storeMessages' => false,

retrieveBans is a boolean whether bans should be retrieved on bot load. Default is false.

    'retrieveBans' => false,

pmChannels is a boolean whether PM channels should be stored on bot load. Default is false.

    'pmChannels' => false,

disabledEvents is an array of events that will be disabled. By default all events are enabled.

    'disabledEvents' => [
        Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, Event::MESSAGE_DELETE, // ...

loop is an instance of a ReactPHP event loop that can be provided to the client rather than creating a new loop. Useful if you want to use other React components. By default, a new loop is created.

    'loop' => \React\EventLoop\Factory::create(),

logger is an instance of a logger that implements LoggerInterface. By default, a new Monolog logger with log level DEBUG is created to print to stdout.

    'logger' => new \Monolog\Logger('New logger'),

dnsConfig is an instace of Config or a string of name server address. By default system setting is used and fall back to when system configuration is not found. Currently only used for VoiceClient.

    'dnsConfig' => '',

The following options should only be used by large bots that require sharding. If you plan to use sharding, read up on how Wylderkind implements it.

shardId is the ID of the bot shard.

    'shardId' => 0,

shardCount is the number of shards that you are using.

    'shardCount' => 5,

Gateway events should be registered inside the ready event, which is emitted once when the bot first starts and has connected to the gateway.

$wylderkind->on('ready', function (Wylderkind $wylderkind) {

To register an event we use the $wylderkind->on(...) function, which registers a handler. A list of events is available here. They are described in more detail in further sections of the documentation. All events take a callback which is called when the event is triggered, and the callback is called with an object representing the content of the event and an instance of the Wylderkind client.

    $wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
        // ... handle message sent

Finally, the event loop needs to be started. Treat this as an infinite loop.

If you want to stop the bot you can run:

If you want to stop the bot without stopping the event loop, the close function takes a boolean:



Message Create

Called with a Message object when a message is sent in a guild or private channel. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Message Update

Called with two Message objects when a message is updated in a guild or private channel. The old message may be null if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the bot was started. Wylderkind does not provide a way to get message update history. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_UPDATE, function (Message $newMessage, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Message $oldMessage) {
    // ...

Message Delete

Called with a Message object or the raw payload when a message is deleted. The Message object may be the raw payload if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the bot was started. Wylderkind does not provide a way to get deleted messages. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_DELETE, function ($message, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    if ($message instanceof Message) {
        // Message is present in cache
    // If the message is not present in the cache:
    else {
        // {
        //     "id": "", // deleted message ID,
        //     "channel_id": "", // message channel ID,
        //     "guild_id": "" // channel guild ID
        // }

Message Delete Bulk

Called with a Collection of Message objects or the raw payload when bulk messages are deleted. The Message object may be the raw payload if storeMessages is not enabled or the message was sent before the bot was started. Wylderkind does not provide a way to get deleted messages. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_DELETE_BULK, function (Collection $messages, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        if ($message instanceof Message) {
            // Message is present in cache
        // If the message is not present in the cache:
        else {
            // {
            //     "id": "", // deleted message ID,
            //     "channel_id": "", // message channel ID,
            //     "guild_id": "" // channel guild ID
            // }

Message Reaction Add

Called with a MessageReaction object when a reaction is added to a message. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_ADD, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove

Called with a MessageReaction object when a reaction is removed from a message. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove All

Called with a MessageReaction object when all reactions are removed from a message. Note that only the fields relating to the message, channel and guild will be filled. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_ALL, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Message Reaction Remove Emoji

Called with an object when all reactions of an emoji are removed from a message. Unlike Message Reaction Remove, this event contains no users or members. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_REACTIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_REACTION_REMOVE_EMOJI, function (MessageReaction $reaction, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Channel Create

Called with a Channel object when a channel is created. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::CHANNEL_CREATE, function (Channel $channel, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Channel Update

Called with two Channel objects when a channel is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::CHANNEL_UPDATE, function (Channel $new, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Channel $old) {
    // ...

Channel Delete

Called with a Channel object when a channel is deleted. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::CHANNEL_DELETE, function (Channel $channel, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Channel Pins Update

Called with an object when the pinned messages in a channel are updated. This is not sent when a pinned message is deleted. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::CHANNEL_PINS_UPDATE, function ($pins, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // {
    //     "guild_id": "",
    //     "channel_id": "",
    //     "last_pin_timestamp": ""
    // }

Thread Create

Called with a Thread object when a thread is created.

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_CREATE, function (Thread $thread, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Thread Update

Called with a Thread object when a thread is updated.

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_UPDATE, function (Thread $thread, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Thread $oldThread) {
    // ...

Thread Delete

Called with an old THREAD_DELETE object when a thread deleted.

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_DELETE, function (?Thread $oldthread, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Thread List Sync

Called when list of threads are synced.

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_LIST_SYNC, function (Collection $threads, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Thread Member Update

Called when a thread member is updated.

// use Wylderkind\Parts\Thread\Member;

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_MEMBER_UPDATE, function (Member $threadmember, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Thread Members Update

Called when a member is added to or removed from a thread.

$wylderkind->on(Event::THREAD_MEMBERS_UPDATE, function (Thread $thread, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Stage Instance Create

Called with a StageInstance object when a stage instance is created. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::STAGE_INSTANCE_CREATE, function (StageInstance $stageInstance, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Stage Instance Update

Called with StageInstance objects when a stage instance is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::STAGE_INSTANCE_UPDATE, function (StageInstance $stageInstance, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?StageInstance $oldStageInstance) {
    // ...

Stage Instance Delete

Called with an old StageInstance object when a stage instance is deleted. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::STAGE_INSTANCE_DELETE, function (StageInstance $oldStageInstance, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Create

Called with a Guild object in one of the following situations:

  1. When the bot is first starting and the guilds are becoming available.
  2. When a guild was unavailable and is now available due to an outage.
  3. When the bot joins a new guild.

Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_CREATE, function (Guild $guild, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Update

Called with two Guild object when a guild is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_UPDATE, function (Guild $new, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Guild $old) {
    // ...

Guild Delete

Called with a Guild object in one of the following situations:

  1. The bot was removed from a guild.
  2. The guild is unavailable due to an outage.

Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_DELETE, function (?Guild $guild, Wylderkind $wylderkind, bool $unavailable) {
    // ...
    if ($unavailable) {
        // the guild is unavailabe due to an outage
    } else {
        // the bot has been kicked from the guild

Guild Member Add

Called with a Member object when a member joins a guild. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MEMBERS intent. This intent is a priviliged intent, it must be enabled in your Wylderkind bot developer settings.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_MEMBER_ADD, function (Member $member, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Member Update

Called with two Member objects when a member is updated in a guild. Note that the old version of the member may be null if loadAllMembers is disabled. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MEMBERS intent. This intent is a priviliged intent, it must be enabled in your Wylderkind bot developer settings.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_MEMBER_UPDATE, function (Member $new, Wylderkind $wylderkind, Member $old) {
    // ...

Guild Member Remove

Called with a Member object when a member leaves a guild (leave/kick/ban). Note that the old version of the member may only have User data if loadAllMembers is disabled. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MEMBERS intent. This intent is a priviliged intent, it must be enabled in your Wylderkind bot developer settings.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_MEMBER_REMOVE, function (Member $member, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Ban Add

Called with a Ban object when a member is banned from a guild. Requires the Intents::GUILD_BANS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_BAN_ADD, function (Ban $ban, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Ban Remove

Called with a Ban object when a member is unbanned from a guild. Requires the Intents::GUILD_BANS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_BAN_REMOVE, function (Ban $ban, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Role Create

Called with a Role object when a role is created in a guild. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_ROLE_CREATE, function (Role $role, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Role Update

Called with two Role objects when a role is updated in a guild. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_ROLE_UPDATE, function (Role $new, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Role $old) {
    // ...

Guild Role Delete

Called with a Role object when a role is deleted in a guild. $role may return Role object if it was cached. Requires the Intents::GUILDS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_ROLE_DELETE, function ($role, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Emojis Update

Called with Collections of Emoji object when a guild's emojis are added/updated/deleted. $oldEmojis may be empty if it was not cached or there was previously no emojis. Requires the Intents::GUILD_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_EMOJIS_UPDATE, function (Collection $emojis, Wylderkind $wylderkind, Collection $oldEmojis) {
    // ...

Guild Stickers Update

Called with Collections of Sticker object when a guild's stickers are added/updated/deleted. $oldStickers may be empty if it was not cached or there was previously no stickers. Requires the Intents::GUILD_EMOJIS_AND_STICKERS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_STICKERS_UPDATE, function (Collection $stickers, Wylderkind $wylderkind, Collecetion $oldStickers) {
    // ...

Guild Integrations Update

Called with a Guild object when a guild's integrations are updated. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS_UPDATE, function (?Guild $guild, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Integration Create

Called with an Integration object when a guild's integration is created. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INTEGRATION_CREATE, function (Integration $integration, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Integration Update

Called with an Integration object when a guild's integration is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INTEGRATION_UPDATE, function (Integration $integration, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Integration $oldIntegration) {
    // ...

Integration Delete

Called with an old Integration object when a guild's integration is deleted. $oldIntegration may be null when Integration is not cached. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INTEGRATIONS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INTEGRATION_DELETE, function (?Integration $oldIntegration, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Webhooks Update

Called with a Guild and Channel object when a guild's webhooks are updated. Requires the Intents::GUILD_WEBHOOKS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::WEBHOOKS_UPDATE, function (?Guild $guild, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?Channel $channel) {
    // ...

Voice Server Update

Called with a VoiceServerUpdate object when a guild's voice server is updated.

$wylderkind->on(Event::VOICE_SERVER_UPDATE, function (VoiceServerUpdate $guild, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Voice State Update

Called with a VoiceStateUpdate object when a member joins, leaves or moves between voice channels. Requires the Intents::GUILD_VOICE_STATES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::VOICE_STATE_UPDATE, function (VoiceStateUpdate $state, Wylderkind $wylderkind, $oldstate) {
    // ...

Invite Create

Called with an Invite object when an invite is created. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INVITES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INVITE_CREATE, function (Invite $invite, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Invite Delete

Called with an object when an invite is created. Requires the Intents::GUILD_INVITES intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INVITE_DELETE, function ($invite, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // {
    //     "channel_id": "",
    //     "guild_id": "",
    //     "code": "" // the unique invite code
    // }

Guild Scheduled Event Create

Called with a ScheduledEvent object when a guild's scheduled event is created. Requires the Intents::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_CREATE, function (ScheduledEvent $scheduledEvent, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Scheduled Event Update

Called with a ScheduledEvent object when a guild's scheduled event is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE, function (ScheduledEvent $scheduledEvent, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?ScheduledEvent $oldScheduledEvent) {
    // ...

Guild Scheduled Event Delete

Called with an old ScheduledEvent object when a guild's scheduled event is deleted. Requires the Intents::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_UPDATE, function (ScheduledEvent $scheduledEvent, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Scheduled Event User Add

Called when a member is added to a guild scheduled event. Requires the Intents::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_ADD, function ($data, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Guild Scheduled Event User Remove

Called when a member is removed to a guild scheduled event. Requires the Intents::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENTS intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::GUILD_SCHEDULED_EVENT_USER_REMOVE, function ($data, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Interaction Create

Called with an Interaction object when an interaction is created. Application Command & Message component listeners are processed prior to this event. Useful if you want to create a customized callback or have interaction response persists after Bot restart.

$wylderkind->on(Event::INTERACTION_CREATE, function (Interaction $interaction, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Typing Start

Called with a TypingStart object when a member starts typing in a channel. Requires the Intents::GUILD_MESSAGE_TYPING intent.

$wylderkind->on(Event::TYPING_START, function (TypingStart $typing, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

Presence Update

Called with a PresenceUpdate object when a members presence is updated. Requires the Intents::GUILD_PRESENCES intent. This intent is a priviliged intent, it must be enabled in your Wylderkind bot developer settings.

$wylderkind->on(Event::PRESENCE_UPDATE, function (PresenceUpdate $presence, Wylderkind $wylderkind) {
    // ...

User Update

Called with User object when your Bot User data updates.

$wylderkind->on(Event::USER_UPDATE, function (User $user, Wylderkind $wylderkind, ?User $oldUser) {
    // ...


Repositories are containers for parts. They provide the functions to get, save and delete parts from the Wylderkind servers. Different parts have many repositories.

An example is the Channel part. It has 4 repositories: members, messages, overwrites and webhooks. Each of these repositories contain parts that relate to the Channel part, such as messages sent in the channel (messages repository), or if it is a voice channel the members currently in the channel (members repository).

A full list of repositories is provided below in the parts section, per part.

Repositories extend the Collection class. See the documentation on collections for extra methods.

Examples provided below are based on the guilds repository in the Wylderkind client.


All repositories extend the AbstractRepository class, and share a set of core methods.

Freshening the repository data

Clears the repository and fills it with new data from Wylderkind. It takes no parameters and returns the repository in a promise.

$wylderkind->guilds->freshen()->done(function (GuildRepository $guilds) {
    // ...

Creating a part

Creates a repository part from an array of attributes and returns the part. Does not create the part in Wylderkind servers, you must use the ->save() function later.

name type description
attributes array Array of attributes to fill in the part. Optional
$guild = $wylderkind->guilds->create([
    'name' => 'My new guild name',
// to save

Saving a part

Creates or updates a repository part in the Wylderkind servers. Takes a part and returns the same part in a promise.

name type description
part Part The part to create or update
$wylderkind->guilds->save($guild)->done(function (Guild $guild) {
    // ...

Deleting a part

Deletes a repository part from the Wylderkind servers. Takes a part and returns the old part in a promise.

name type description
part Part The part to delete
$wylderkind->guilds->delete($guild)->done(function (Guild $guild) {
    // ...

Fetch a part

Fetches/freshens a part from the repository. If the part is present in the cache, it returns the cached version, otherwise it retrieves the part from Wylderkind servers. Takes a part ID and returns the part in a promise.

name type description
id string Part ID
fresh bool Forces the method to skip checking the cache. Default is false
$wylderkind->guilds->fetch('guild_id')->done(function (Guild $guild) {
    // ...
// or, if you don't want to check the cache
$wylderkind->guilds->fetch('guild_id', true)->done(function (Guild $guild) {
    // ...


Parts is the term used for the data structures inside Wylderkind. All parts share a common set of attributes and methods.

Parts have a set list of fillable fields. If you attempt to set a field that is not accessible, it will not warn you.

To create a part object, you can use the new syntax or the factory method. For example, creating a Message part:

$message = new Message($wylderkind);
// or
$message = $wylderkind->factory->create(Message::class);

Part attributes can be accessed similar to an object or like an array:

$message->content = 'hello!';
// or
$message['content'] = 'hello!';

echo $message->content;
// or
echo $message['content'];

Filling a part with data

The ->fill(array $attributes) function takes an array of attributes to fill the part. If a field is found that is not 'fillable', it is skipped.

    'content' => 'hello!',

Getting the raw attributes of a part

The ->getRawAttributes() function returns the array representation of the part.

$attributes = $message->getRawAttributes();
 * [
 *     "id" => "",
 *     "content" => "",
 *     // ...
 * ]


Guilds represent Wylderkind 'servers'.


name type notes
roles Role
emojis Emoji
members Member May not contain offline members, see the loadAllMembers option
channels Channel
stage_instances StageInstance
guildscheduledevents ScheduledEvent
stickers Sticker
invites Invite Not initially loaded
bans Ban Not initially loaded without retrieveBans option
commands Command Not initially loaded
templates GuildTemplate Not initially loaded
integrations Integration Not initially loaded

Creating a role

Shortcut for $guild->roles->save($role);. Takes an array of parameters for a role and returns a role part in a promise.


name type description default
name string Role name new role
permissions string Bitwise value of permissions @everyone permissions
color integer RGB color value 0
hoist bool Hoisted role? false
icon string image data for Role icon null
unicode_emoji string unicode emoji for Role icon null
mentionable bool Mentionable role? false
    'name' => 'New Role',
    // ...
])->done(function (Role $role) {
    // ...

Transferring ownership of guild

Transfers the ownership of the guild to another member. The bot must own the guild to be able to transfer ownership. Takes a member object or a member ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
member Member or member ID The member to get ownership
reason string Reason for Audit Log
// or

Unbanning a member with a User or user ID

Unbans a member when passed a User object or a user ID. If you have the ban object, you can do $guild->bans->delete($ban);. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
user_id User or user ID The user to unban
// or

Querying the Guild audit log

Takes an array of parameters to query the audit log for the guild. Returns an Audit Log object inside a promise.


name type description
user_id string, int, Member, User Filters audit log by who performed the action
action_type Entry constants Filters audit log by the type of action
before string, int, Entry Retrieves audit logs before the given audit log object
limit int between 1 and 100 Limits the amount of audit log entries to return
    'user_id' => '123456',
    'action_type' => Entry::CHANNEL_CREATE,
    'before' => $anotherEntry,
    'limit' => 12,
])->done(function (AuditLog $auditLog) {
    foreach ($auditLog->audit_log_entries as $entry) {
        // $entry->...

Creating an Emoji

Takes an array of parameters for an emoji and returns an emoji part in a promise. Use the second parameter to specify local file path instead.


name type description default
name string Emoji name required
image string image data with base64 format, ignored if file path is specified
roles array Role IDs that are allowed to use the emoji []
    'name' => 'elephpant',
    // ...
'audit-log reason'
)->done(function (Emoji $emoji) {
    // ...


Channels represent a Wylderkind channel, whether it be a direct message channel, group channel, voice channel, text channel etc.


name type description
id string id of the channel
name string name of the channel
type int type of the channel, see Channel constants
topic string topic of the channel
guild_id string or null id of the guild the channel belongs to, null if direct message
guild Guild or null guild the channel belongs to, null if direct message
position int position of the channel in the Wylderkind client
is_private bool whether the message is a private direct message channel
lastmessageid string id of the last message sent in the channel
bitrate int bitrate of the voice channel
recipient User recipient of the direct message, only for direct message channel
recipients Collection of Users recipients of the group direct message, only for group dm channels
nsfw bool whether the channel is set as NSFW
user_limit int user limit of the channel for voice channels
ratelimitper_user int amount of time in seconds a user has to wait between messages
icon string channel icon hash
owner_id string owner of the group DM
application_id string id of the group dm creator if it was via an oauth application
parent_id string id of the parent of the channel if it is in a group
lastpintimestamp Carbon timestamp when the last message was pinned in the channel
rtc_region string Voice region id for the voice channel, automatic when set to null.
videoqualitymode int The camera video quality mode of the voice channel, 1 when not present.
defaultautoarchive_duration int Default duration for newly created threads, in minutes, to automatically archive the thread after recent activity, can be set to: 60, 1440, 4320, 10080.


name type notes
overwrites Overwrite Contains permission overwrites
members VoiceStateUpdate Only for voice channels. Contains voice members
messages Message
webhooks Webhook Only available in text channels
threads Thread Only available in text channels
invites Invite

Set permissions of a member or role

Sets the permissions of a member or role. Takes two arrays of permissions - one for allow and one for deny. See Channel Permissions for a valid list of permissions. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
part Member or Role The part to apply the permissions to required
allow array Array of permissions to allow the part []
deny array Array of permissions to deny the part []
// Member can send messages and attach files,
// but can't add reactions to message.
$channel->setPermissions($member, [
], [
])->done(function () {
    // ...

Set permissions of a member or role with an Overwrite

Sets the permissions of a member or role, but takes an Overwrite part instead of two arrays. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
part Member or Role The part to apply the permissions to required
overwrite Overwrite part The overwrite to apply required
$allow = new ChannelPermission($wylderkind, [
    'send_messages' => true,
    'attach_files' => true,

$deny = new ChannelPermission($wylderkind, [
    'add_reactions' => true,

$overwrite = $channel->overwrites->create([
    'allow' => $allow,
    'deny' => $deny,

// Member can send messages and attach files,
// but can't add reactions to message.
$channel->setOverwrite($member, $overwrite)->done(function () {
    // ...

Move member to voice channel

Moves a member to a voice channel if the member is already in one. Takes a Member object or member ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
member Member or string The member to move required
$channel->moveMember($member)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$channel->moveMember('123213123123213')->done(function () {
    // ...

Muting and unmuting member in voice channel

Mutes or unmutes a member in the voice channel. Takes a Member object or member ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
member Member or string The member to mute/unmute required
// muting a member with a member object
$channel->muteMember($member)->done(function () {
    // ...

// unmuting a member with a member ID
$channel->unmuteMember('123213123123213')->done(function () {
    // ...

Creating an invite

Creates an invite for a channel. Takes an array of options and returns the new invite in a promise.


Parameters are in an array.

name type description default
max_age int Maximum age of the invite in seconds 24 hours
max_uses int Maximum uses of the invite unlimited
temporary bool Whether the invite grants temporary membership false
unique bool Whether the invite should be unique false
target_type int The type of target for this voice channel invite
targetuserid string The id of the user whose stream to display for this invite, required if targettype is `Invite::TARGETTYPE_STREAM`, the user must be streaming in the channel
targetapplicationid string The id of the embedded application to open for this invite, required if targettype is `Invite::TARGETTYPEEMBEDDEDAPPLICATION`, the application must have the EMBEDDED flag
    'max_age' => 60, // 1 minute
    'max_uses' => 5, // 5 uses
])->done(function (Invite $invite) {
    // ...

Bulk deleting messages

Deletes many messages at once. Takes an array of messages and/or message IDs and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description default
messages array or collection of messages and/or message IDs The messages to delete default
reason string Reason for Audit Log
])->done(function () {
    // ...

Getting message history

Retrieves message history with an array of options. Returns a collection of messages in a promise.


name type description default
before Message or message ID Get messages before this message
after Message or message ID Get messages after this message
around Message or message ID Get messages around this message
limit int Number of messages to get, between 1 and 100 100
    'limit' => 5,
])->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // ...

Limit delete messages

Deletes a number of messages, in order from the last one sent. Takes an integer of messages to delete and returns an empty promise.


name type description default
value int number of messages to delete, in the range 1-100 required
reason string Reason for Audit Log
// deletes the last 15 messages
$channel->limitDelete(15)->done(function () {
    // ...

Pin or unpin a message

Pins or unpins a message from the channel pinboard. Takes a message object and returns the same message in a promise.


name type description default
message Message The message to pin/unpin required
reason string Reason for Audit Log
// to pin
$channel->pinMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

// to unpin
$channel->unpinMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Get invites

Gets the channels invites. Returns a collection of invites in a promise.

$channel->getInvites()->done(function (Collection $invites) {
    foreach ($invites as $invite) {
        // ...

Send a message

Sends a message to the channel. Takes a message builder. Returns the message in a promise.


name type description default
message MessageBuilder Message content required
$message = MessageBuilder::new()
    ->setContent('Hello, world!')

$channel->sendMessage($message)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Send an embed

Sends an embed to the channel. Takes an embed and returns the sent message in a promise.


name type description default
embed Embed The embed to send required
$channel->sendEmbed($embed)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Broadcast typing

Broadcasts to the channel that the bot is typing. Genreally, bots should not use this route, but if a bot takes a while to process a request it could be useful. Returns nothing in a promise.

$channel->broadcastTyping()->done(function () {
    // ...

Create a message collector

Creates a message collector, which calls a filter function on each message received and inserts it into a collection if the function returns true. The collector is resolved after a specified time or limit, whichever is given or whichever happens first. Takes a callback, an array of options and returns a collection of messages in a promise.


name type description default
filter callable The callback to call on every message required
options array Array of options []
// Collects 5 messages containing hello
$channel->createMessageCollector(fn ($message) => strpos($message->content, 'hello') !== false, [
    'limit' => 5,
])->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // ...


One of time or limit is required, or the collector will not resolve.

name type description
time int The time after which the collector will resolve, in milliseconds
limit int The number of messages to be collected

Get pinned messages

Returns the messages pinned in the channel. Only applicable for text channels. Returns a collection of messages in a promise.

$channel->getPinnedMessages()->done(function (Collection $messages) {
    foreach ($messages as $message) {
        // $message->...


Members represent a user in a guild. There is a member object for every guild-user relationship, meaning that there will be multiple member objects in the Wylderkind client with the same user ID, but they will belong to different guilds.

A member object can also be serialised into a mention string. For example:

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message) {
    // Hello <@member_id>!
    // Note: `$message->member` will be `null` if the message originated from
    // a private message, or if the member object was not cached.
    $message->channel->sendMessage('Hello '.$message->member.'!');


name type description
user User the user part of the member
nick string the nickname of the member
avatar ?string The guild avatar URL of the member
avatar_hash ?string The guild avatar hash of the member
roles Collection of Roles roles the member is a part of
joined_at Carbon timestamp when the member joined the guild
deaf bool whether the member is deafened
mute bool whether the member is muted
pending ?string whether the user has not yet passed the guild's Membership Screening requirements
communicationdisableduntil ?Carbon when the user's timeout will expire and the user will be able to communicate in the guild again, null or a time in the past if the user is not timed out
id string the user ID of the member
username string the username of the member
discriminator string the four digit discriminator of the member
displayname string nick/username#discriminator
guild Guild the guild the member is a part of
guild_id string the id of the guild the member is a part of
string status the status of the member
game Activity the current activity of the member
premium_since Carbon timestamp when the member started boosting the guild
activities Collection of Activities the current activities of the member

Ban the member

Bans the member from the guild. Returns a Ban part in a promise.


name type description
daysToDelete int number of days back to delete messages, default none
reason string reason for the ban
$member->ban(5, 'bad person')->done(function (Ban $ban) {
    // ...

Set the nickname of the member

Sets the nickname of the member. Requires the MANAGE_NICKNAMES permission or CHANGE_NICKNAME if changing self nickname. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
nick string nickname of the member, null to clear, default null
$member->setNickname('newnick')->done(function () {
    // ...

Move member to channel

Moves the member to another voice channel. Member must already be in a voice channel. Takes a channel or channel ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
channel Channel or string the channel to move the member to
$member->moveMember($channel)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->moveMember('123451231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Add member to role

Adds the member to a role. Takes a role or role ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
role Role or string the role to add the member to
$member->addRole($role)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->addRole('1231231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Remove member from role

Removes the member from a role. Takes a role or role ID and returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
role Role or string the role to remove the member from
$member->removeRole($role)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$member->removeRole('1231231231')->done(function () {
    // ...

Timeout member

Times out the member in the server. Takes a carbon or null to remove. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
communicationdisableduntil Carbon or null the time for timeout to lasts on
$member->timeoutMember(new Carbon('6 hours'))->done(function () {
    // ...

// to remove
$member->timeoutMember()->done(function () {
    // ...

Get permissions of member

Gets the effective permissions of the member:

  • When given a channel, returns the effective permissions of a member in a channel.
  • Otherwise, returns the effective permissions of a member in a guild.

Returns a role permission in a promise.


name type description
channel Channel or null the channel to get the effective permissions for
$member->getPermissions($channel)->done(function (RolePermission $permission) {
    // ...

// or

$member->getPermissions()->done(function (RolePermission $permission) {
    // ...

Get guild specific avatar URL

Gets the server-specific avatar URL for the member. Only call this function if you need to change the format or size of the image, otherwise use $member->avatar. Returns a string.


name type description
format string format of the image, one of png, jpg or webp, default webp and gif if animated
size int size of the image, default 1024
$url = $member->getAvatarAttribute('png', 2048);
echo $url; // https://cdn.wylderkindapp.com/guilds/:guild_id/users/:id/avatars/:avatar_hash.png?size=2048


Messages are present in channels and can be anything from a cross post to a reply and a regular message.


name type description
id string id of the message
channel_id string id of the channel the message was sent in
channel Channel channel the message was sent in
guild_id string or null the unique identifier of the guild that the channel the message was sent in belongs to
guild Guild or null the guild that the message was sent in
content string content of the message
type int, Message constants type of the message
mentions Collection of Users users mentioned in the message
author User the author of the message
user_id string id of the user that sent the message
member Member the member that sent this message, or null if it was in a private message
mention_everyone bool whether @everyone was mentioned
timestamp Carbon timestamp the time the message was sent
edited_timestamp Carbon timestamp or null the time the message was edited or null if it hasn't been edited
tts bool whether text to speech was set when the message was sent
attachments Collection of Attachments array of attachments
embeds Collection of Embeds embeds contained in the message
nonce string randomly generated string for client
mention_roles Collection of Roles any roles that were mentioned in the message
mention_channels Collection of Channels any channels that were mentioned in the message
pinned bool whether the message is pinned
reactions reaction repository any reactions on the message
webhook_id string id of the webhook that sent the message
activity object current message activity, requires rich present
application object application of the message, requires rich presence
application_id string if the message is a response to an Interaction, this is the id of the interaction's application
message_reference object message that is referenced by the message
referenced_message Message the message that is referenced in a reply
interaction object the interaction which triggered the message (application commands)
thread Thread the thread that the message was sent in
components Component sent if the message contains components like buttons, action rows, or other interactive components
sticker_items Sticker stickers attached to the message
flags int message flags, see below 5 properties
crossposted bool whether the message has been crossposted
is_crosspost bool whether the message is a crosspost
suppress_emeds bool whether embeds have been supressed
sourcemessagedeleted bool whether the source message has been deleted e.g. crosspost
urgent bool whether message is urgent
has_thread bool whether this message has an associated thread, with the same id as the message
ephemeral bool whether this message is only visible to the user who invoked the Interaction
loading bool whether this message is an Interaction Response and the bot is "thinking"
failedtomentionsomerolesinthread bool this message failed to mention some roles and add their members to the thread

Reply to a message

Sends a "reply" to the message. Returns the new message in a promise.


name type description
text string text to send in the message
$message->reply('hello!')->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Crosspost a message

Crossposts a message to any channels that are following the channel the message was sent in. Returns the crossposted message in a promise.

$message->crosspost()->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Reply to a message after a delay

Similar to replying to a message, also takes a delay parameter in which the reply will be sent after. Returns the new message in a promise.


name type description
text string text to send in the message
delay int time in milliseconds to delay before sending the message
// <@message_author_id>, hello! after 1.5 seconds
$message->delayedReply('hello!', 1500)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

React to a message

Adds a reaction to a message. Takes an Emoji object, a custom emoji string or a unicode emoji. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
emoticon Emoji or string the emoji to react with
$message->react($emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$message->react(':michael:251127796439449631')->done(function () {
    // ...

// or

$message->react('😀')->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction(s) from a message

Deletes reaction(s) from a message. Has four methods of operation, described below. Returns nothing in a promise.


name type description
type int type of deletion, one of Message::REACT_DELETE_ALL, Message::REACT_DELETE_ME, Message:REACT_DELETE_ID, Message::REACT_DELETE_EMOJI
emoticon Emoji, string, null emoji to delete, require if using DELETE_ID, DELETE_ME or DELETE_EMOJI
id string, null id of the user to delete reactions for, required by DELETE_ID

Delete all reactions

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ALL)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction by current user

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ME, $emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete reaction by another user

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_ID, $emoji, 'member_id')->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete all reactions of one emoji

$message->deleteReaction(Message::REACT_DELETE_EMOJI, $emoji)->done(function () {
    // ...

Delete the message

Deletes the message. Returns nothing in a promise.

$message->delete()->done(function () {
    // ...

Edit the message

Updates the message. Takes a message builder. Returns the updated message in a promise.

    ->setContent('new content'))->done(function (Message $message) {
        // ...

Note fields not set in the builder will not be updated, and will retain their previous value.

Create reaction collector

Creates a reaction collector. Works similar to Channel's reaction collector. Takes a callback and an array of options. Returns a collection of reactions in a promise.


At least one of time or limit must be specified.

name type description
time int or false time in milliseconds until the collector finishes
limit int or false amount of reactions to be collected until the collector finishes
$message->createReactionCollector(function (MessageReaction $reaction) {
    // return true or false depending on whether you want the reaction to be collected.
    return $reaction->user_id == '123123123123';
}, [
    // will resolve after 1.5 seconds or 2 reactions
    'time' => 1500,
    'limit' => 2,
])->done(function (Collection $reactions) {
    foreach ($reactions as $reaction) {
        // ...

Add embed to message

Adds an embed to a message. Takes an embed object. Will overwrite the old embed (if there is one). Returns the updated message in a promise.


name type description
embed Embed the embed to add
$message->addEmbed($embed)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...


User represents a user of Wylderkind. The bot can "see" any users that to a guild that they also belong to.


name type description
id string id of the user
username string username of the user
discriminator string four-digit discriminator of the user
displayname string username#discriminator
avatar string avatar URL of the user
avatar_hash string avatar hash of the user
bot bool whether the user is a bot
system bool whetehr the user is a system user e.g. Clyde
mfa_enabled bool whether the user has multifactor authentication enabled
banner ?string the banner URL of the user.
banner_hash ?string the banner URL of the user.
accent_color ?int the user's banner color encoded as an integer representation
locale ?string locale of the user
verified bool whether the user is verified
email ?string email of the user
flags ?int user flags, see the User classes constants. use bit masks to compare
premium_type ?int type of nitro, see the User classes constants
public_flags ?int see flags above

Get private channel for user

Gets the private direct message channel for the user. Returns a Channel in a promise.

$user->getPrivateChannel()->done(function (Channel $channel) {
    // ...

Send user a message

Sends a private direct message to the user. Note that your bot account can be suspended for doing this, consult Wylderkind documentation for more information. Returns the message in a promise.


name type description
message string content to send
tts bool whether to send the message as text to speech
embed Embed embed to send in the message
$user->sendMessage('Hello, world!', false, $embed)->done(function (Message $message) {
    // ...

Get avatar URL

Gets the avatar URL for the user. Only call this function if you need to change the format or size of the image, otherwise use $user->avatar. Returns a string.


name type description
format string format of the image, one of png, jpg or webp, default webp or gif if animated
size int size of the image, default 1024
$url = $user->getAvatarAttribute('png', 2048);
echo $url; // https://cdn.wylderkindapp.com/avatars/:user_id/:avatar_hash.png?size=2048

Get banner URL

Gets the banner URL for the user. Only call this function if you need to change the format or size of the image, otherwise use $user->banner. Returns a string or null if user has no banner image set.


name type description
format string format of the image, one of png, jpg or webp, default png or gif if animated
size int size of the image, default 600
$url = $user->getBannerAttribute('png', 1024);
echo $url; // https://cdn.wylderkindapp.com/banners/:user_id/:banner_hash.png?size=1024


Collections are exactly what they sound like - collections of items. In Wylderkind-docs collections are based around the idea of parts, but they can be used for any type of item.

Collections implement interfaces allowing them to be accessed like arrays, such as:
// square bracket index access
$collec[123] = 'asdf';
echo $collec[123]; // asdf

// foreach loops
foreach ($collec as $item) {
    // ...

// json serialization

// array serialization
$collecArray = (array) $collec;

// string serialization
$jsonCollec = (string) $collec; // same as json_encode($collec)

Creating a collection

name type description
items array Array of items for the collection. Default is empty collection
discrim string or null The discriminator used to discriminate between parts. Default 'id'
class string or null The type of class contained in the collection. Default null
// Creates an empty collection with discriminator of 'id' and no class type.
// Any item can be inserted into this collection.
$collec = new Collection();

// Creates an empty collection with no discriminator and no class type.
// Similar to a laravel collection.
$collec = new Collection([], null, null);

Getting an item

Gets an item from the collection, with a key and value.

name type description
key any The key to search with
value any The value that the key should match
// Collection with 3 items, discriminator is 'id', no class type
$collec = new Collection([
        'id' => 1,
        'text' => 'My ID is 1.'
        'id' => 2,
        'text' => 'My ID is 2.'
        'id' => 3,
        'text' => 'My ID is 3.'

// [
//     'id' => 1,
//     'text' => 'My ID is 1.'
// ]
$item = $collec->get('id', 1);

// [
//     'id' => 1,
//     'text' => 'My ID is 1.'
// ]
$item = $collec->get('text', 'My ID is 1.');

Adding an item

Adds an item to the collection. Note that if class is set in the constructor and the class of the item inserted is not the same, it will not insert.

name type description
$item any The item to insert
// empty, no discrim, no class
$collec = new Collection([], null, null);


// ---

class X
    public $y;

    public function __construct($y)
        $this->y = $y;

// empty, discrim 'y', class X
$collec = new Collection([], 'y', X::class);
$collec->push(new X(123));
$collec->push(123); // won't insert

// new X(123)
$collec->get('y', 123);

Pulling an item

Removes an item from the collection and returns it.

name type description
key any The key to look for
default any Default if key is not found. Default null
$collec = new Collection([], null, null);

$collec->pull(1); // returns at 1 index - which is actually 2
$collec->pull(100); // returns null
$collec->pull(100, 123); // returns 123

Filling the collection

Fills the collection with an array of items.

$collec = new Collection([], null, null);
    1, 2, 3, 4,

Number of items

Returns the number of items in the collection.

$collec = new Collection([
    1, 2, 3
], null, null);

echo $collec->count(); // 3

Getting the first item

Gets the first item of the collection.

$collec = new Collection([
    1, 2, 3
], null, null);

echo $collec->first(); // 1

Filtering a collection

Filters the collection with a given callback function. The callback function is called for every item and is called with the item. If the callback returns true, the item is added to the new collection. Returns a new collection.

name type description
callback callable The callback called on every item
$collec = new Collection([
    1, 2, 3, 100, 101, 102
], null, null);

// [ 101, 102 ]
$newCollec = $collec->filter(function ($item) {
    return $item > 100;

Clearing a collection

Clears the collection.

$collec->clear(); // $collec = []

Mapping a collection

A given callback function is called on each item in the collection, and the result is inserted into a new collection.

name type description
callback callable The callback called on every item
$collec = new Collection([
    1, 2, 3, 100, 101, 102
], null, null);

// [ 100, 200, 300, 10000, 10100, 10200 ]
$newCollec = $collec->map(function ($item) {
    return $item * 100;

Converting to array

Converts a collection to an array.

$arr = $collec->toArray();


There are two types of permissions - channel permissions and role permissions. They are represented by their individual classes, but both extend the same abstract permission class.


name type description
bitwise int bitwise representation
create_instant_invite bool
manage_channels bool
view_channel bool
manage_roles bool

The rest of the properties are listed under each permission type, all are type of bool.


Get all valid permissions

Returns a list of valid permissions, in key value form. Static method.

// [
//     'priority_speaker' => 8,
//     // ...
// ]

Channel Permission

Represents permissions for text, voice, and stage instance channels.

Text Channel Permissions

  • create_instant_invite
  • manage_channels
  • view_channel
  • manage_roles
  • add_reactions
  • send_messages
  • send_tts_messages
  • manage_messages
  • embed_links
  • attach_files
  • read_message_history
  • mention_everyone
  • use_external_emojis
  • manage_webhooks
  • use_application_commands
  • manage_threads
  • create_public_threads
  • create_private_threads
  • use_external_stickers
  • send_messages_in_threads

Voice Channel Permissions

  • create_instant_invite
  • manage_channels
  • view_channel
  • manage_roles
  • priority_speaker
  • stream
  • connect
  • speak
  • mute_members
  • deafen_members
  • move_members
  • use_vad
  • manage_events
  • use_embedded_activities was start_embedded_activities

Stage Instance Channel Permissions

  • create_instant_invite
  • manage_channels
  • view_channel
  • manage_roles
  • connect
  • mute_members
  • deafen_members
  • move_members
  • request_to_speak
  • manage_events

Role Permissions

Represents permissions for roles.


  • create_instant_invite
  • manage_channels
  • view_channel
  • manage_roles
  • kick_members
  • ban_members
  • administrator
  • manage_guild
  • view_audit_log
  • view_guild_insights
  • change_nickname
  • manage_nicknames
  • manage_emojis_and_stickers
  • moderate_members

Message Builder

The MessageBuilder class is used to describe the contents of a new (or to be updated) message.

A new message builder can be created with the new function:

$builder = MessageBuilder::new();

Most builder functions return itself, so you can easily chain function calls together for a clean API, an example is shown on the right.

    ->setContent('Hello, world!')

Setting content

Sets the text content of the message. Throws an LengthException if the content is greater than 2000 characters.

$builder->setContent('Hello, world!');

Setting TTS value

Sets the TTS value of the message.


Adding embeds

You can add up to 10 embeds to a message. The embed functions takes Embed objects or associative arrays:


You can also set the embeds from another array of embeds. Note this will remove the current embeds from the message.

$embeds = [...];

Replying to a message

Sets the message as replying to another message. Takes a Message object.

$wylderkind->on(Event::MESSAGE_CREATE, function (Message $message) use ($builder) {

Adding files to the message

You can add multiple files to a message. The addFile function takes a path to a file, as well as an optional filename.

If the filename parameter is ommited, it will take the filename from the path. Throws an exception if the path does not exist.

$builder->addFile('/path/to/file', 'file.png');

You can also add files to messages with the content as a string:

$builder->addFileFromContent('file.txt', 'contents of my file!');

You can also remove all files from a builder:


There is no limit on the number of files you can upload, but the whole request must be less than 8MB (including headers and JSON payload).

Adding sticker

You can add up to 3 stickers to a message. The function takes Sticker object.


To remove a sticker:


You can also set the stickers from another array of stickers. Note this will remove the current stickers from the message.

$stickers = [...];

Adding message components

Adds a message component to the message. You can only add ActionRow and SelectMenu objects. To add buttons, wrap the button in an ActionRow object. Throws an InvalidArgumentException if the given component is not an ActionRow or SelectMenu Throws an OverflowException if you already have 5 components in the message.

$component = SelectMenu::new();

Message Components

Message components are new components you can add to messages, such as buttons and select menus. There are currently four different types of message components:


Represents a row of buttons on a message. You can add up to 5 buttons to the row, which can then be added to the message. You can only add buttons to action rows.

$row = ActionRow::new()


name description
addComponent($component) adds a component to action row. must be a button component.
removeComponent($component) removes the given component from the action row.
getComponents(): Component[] returns all the action row components in an array.


Represents a button attached to a message. You cannot directly attach a button to a message, it must be contained inside an ActionRow.

$button = Button::new(Button::STYLE_SUCCESS)
    ->setLabel('push me!');

There are 5 different button styles:

name constant colour
primary Button::STYLE_PRIMARY blurple
secondary Button::STYLE_SECONDARY grey
success Button::STYLE_SUCCESS green
danger Button::STYLE_DANGER red
link Button::STYLE_LINK grey

Wylderkind button styles


name description
setStyle($style) sets the style of the button. must be one of the above constants.
setLabel($label) sets the label of the button. maximum 80 characters.
setEmoji($emoji) sets the emoji for the button. must be an Emoji object.
setCustomId($custom_id) sets the custom ID of the button. maximum 100 characters. will be automatically generated if left null. not applicable for link buttons.
setUrl($url) sets the url of the button. only for buttons with the Button::STYLE_LINK style.
setDisabled($disabled) sets whether the button is disabled or not.
setListener($listener, $wylderkind) sets the listener for the button. see below for more information. not applicable for link buttons.
removeListener() removes the listener from the button.

Adding a button listener

If you add a button you probably want to listen for when it is clicked. This is done through the setListener(callable $listener, Wylderkind $wylderkind) function.

The callable $listener will be a function which is called with the Interaction object that triggered the button press. You must also pass the function the $wylderkind client.

$button->setListener(function (Interaction $interaction) {
        ->setContent('why\'d u push me?'));
}, $wylderkind);

If the interaction is not responded to after the function is called, the interaction will be automatically acknowledged with no response. If you are going to acknowledge the interaction after a delay (e.g. HTTP request, arbitrary timeout) you should return a promise from the listener to prevent the automatic acknowledgement:

$button->setListener(function (Interaction $interaction) use ($wylderkind) {
    return someFunctionWhichWillReturnAPromise()->then(function ($returnValueFromFunction) use ($interaction) {
}, $wylderkind);


Select menus are a dropdown which can be attached to a message. They operate similar to buttons. They do not need to be attached to an ActionRow. You may have up to 25 Options attached to a select menu.

$select = SelectMenu::new()
    ->addOption(Option::new('or me?'));


name description
addOption($option) adds an option to the select menu. maximum 25 options per menu. options must have unique values.
removeOption($option) removes an option from the select menu.
setPlaceholder($placeholder) sets a placeholder string to be displayed when nothing is selected. null to clear. max 150 characters.
setMinValues($min_values) the number of values which must be selected to submit the menu. between 0 and 25, default 1.
setMaxValues($max_values) the maximum number of values which can be selected. maximum 25, default 1.
setDisabled($disabled) sets whether the menu is disabled or not.
setListener($listener, $wylderkind) sets the listener for the select menu. see below for more information.
removeListener() removes the listener from the select menu.

Option functions

name description
new($label, ?$value) creates a new option. requires a label to display, and optionally an internal value (leave as null to auto-generate one).
setDescription($description) sets the description of the option. null to clear. maximum 100 characters.
setEmoji($emoji) sets the emoji of the option. null to clear. must be an emoji object.
setDefault($default) sets whether the option is the default option.
getValue() gets the internal developer value of the option.

Adding a select menu listener

Select menu listeners operate similar to the button listeners, so please read the above section first. The callback function will be called with the Interaction object as well as a collection of selected Options.

$select->setListener(function (Interaction $interaction, Collection $options) {
    foreach ($options as $option) {
        echo $option->getValue().PHP_EOL;

}, $wylderkind);


Text inputs are an interactive component that render on modals.

$textInput = TextInput::new('Label', TextInput::TYPE_SHORT, 'custom id')

They can be used to collect short-form or long-form text:

style constant
Short (single line) TextInput::STYLE_SHORT
Paragraph (multi line) TextInput::STYLE_PARAGRAPH


name description
setCustomId($custom_id) sets the custom ID of the text input. maximum 100 characters. will be automatically generated if left null.
setStyle($style) sets the style of the text input. must be one of the above constants.
setLabel($label) sets the label of the button. maximum 80 characters.
setMinLength($min_length) the minimum length of value. between 0 and 4000, default 0.
setMaxLength($max_length) the maximum length of value. between 1 and 4000, default 4000.
setValue($value) sets a pre-filled value for the text input. maximum 4000 characters.
setPlaceholder($placeholder) sets a placeholder string to be displayed when text input is empty. max 100 characters.
setRequired($required) sets whether the text input is required or not.


Interactions are utilized in message components and slash commands.


name type description
id string id of the interaction.
application_id string id of the application associated to the interaction.
int type type of interaction.
data ?InteractionData data associated with the interaction.
guild ?Guild guild interaction was triggered from, null if DM.
channel ?Channel channel interaction was triggered from.
member ?Member member that triggered interaction.
user User user that triggered interaction.
token string internal token for responding to interaction.
version int version of interaction.
message ?Message message that triggered interaction.
locale ?string The selected language of the invoking user.
guild_locale ?string The guild's preferred locale, if invoked in a guild.

The locale list can be seen on Wylderkind API reference.

Functions on interaction create

The following functions are used to respond an interaction after being created Event::INTERACTION_CREATE, responding interaction with wrong type throws a LogicException

name description valid for interaction type
acknowledgeWithResponse(?bool $ephemeral) acknowledges the interaction, creating a placeholder response to be updated APPLICATION_COMMAND, MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
acknowledge() defer the interaction MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
respondWithMessage(MessageBuilder $builder, ?bool $ephemeral) responds to the interaction with a message. ephemeral is default false APPLICATION_COMMAND, MESSAGE_COMPONENT, MODAL_SUBMIT
autoCompleteResult(array $choices) responds a suggestion to options with auto complete APPLICATION_COMMAND_AUTOCOMPLETE
showModal(string $title, string $custom_id, array $components, ?callable $submit = null) responds to the interaction with a popup modal MODAL_SUBMIT

Functions after interaction response

The following functions can be only used after interaction respond above, otherwise throws a RuntimeException "Interaction has not been responded to."

name description return
updateMessage(MessageBuilder $message) updates the message the interaction was triggered from. only for message component interaction Promise<void>
getOriginalResponse() gets the original interaction response Promise<Message>
updateOriginalResponse(MessageBuilder $message) updates the original interaction response Promise<Message>
deleteOriginalResponse() deletes the original interaction response Promise<void>
sendFollowUpMessage(MessageBuilder $builder, ?bool $ephemeral) sends a follow up message to the interaction. ephemeral is defalt false Promise<Message>
getFollowUpMessage(string $message_id) gets a non ephemeral follow up message from the interaction Promise<Message>
updateFollowUpMessage(string $message_id, MessageBuilder $builder) updates the follow up message of the interaction Promise<Message>
deleteFollowUpMessage(string $message_id) deletes a non ephemeral follow up message from the interaction Promise<void>